
有鑑於WTO秘書長Roberto Azevedo於8日會議中,提供其有關WTO談判功能之未來的評估報告給各部長們,本份聯合聲明也擬定「APEC下一步」之行動大綱,以因應目前與WTO多邊貿易體系相互衝突的各種重大挑戰。
•Annex A: APEC Statement on Promoting the Use of Interoperable Global Data Standards
•Annex B: APEC Statement on Promoting Renewable and Clean Energy Trade and Investment
•Annex C: APEC Customs 3M Strategic Framework
•Annex D: Action Agenda on Promoting Infrastructure Investment through Public-Private Partnership
•Annex E: The APEC Strategic Plan on Capacity Building to Promote Trade and Investment Agenda
•Annex F: APEC Initiative of Cooperation to Promote Internet Economy
•Annex G: APEC Ocean Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region
•Annex H: The Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption